Developing Coastal Community Resilience (by Sushma Guleria).
Empowering fisher women through ICT in reef conservation and management a case study from Tuticorin coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India (by Jamila Patterson, Eva Linden, Christin Bierbrier, Dan Wilhelmsson, Inger Lofgren, David Obura and J.K.Patterson Edward).
Effect of tributyltin (TBT) based antifouling paints in marine environment (by A. Murugan).
Bio-invasion – A threat to marine biodiversity (by A. Biju Kumar).
Developing Coastal Community Resilience (by Sushma Guleria).
Coral reproduction in Gulf of Mannar – Good sign (by K. Diraviyaraj).
Coral restoration to combat the loss of reef areas in Gulf of Mannar (by G. Mathews).
A note on the algal bloom in Keezhakkarai coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India (by J.K. Patterson Edward, V.K. Melkani,M.Thangaraja and Dan Wilhelmsson).
Fascinating Seahorses and the need for their conservation (by A. Murugan).
Marine microbes: A potential source for extremozymes (by Babu Joseph and P. Ashok Kumar).
Importance of sponges and associated microorganisms in anti-cancer research : an overview (by Vinoth S. Ravindran).
Annual coral bleaching in Gulf of Mannar (by J.K. Patterson Edward).
Coral reefs of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay: Signs of increased prevalence of coral diseases (by T. Thinesh).
Unexplored healthy patch reefs, gorgonid and seagrass beds off South Tuticorin (by J.K. Patterson Edward).
Seaweeds – a wonder renewable marine resource (by P. Raja)
Background radiation levels along the beaches of Tuticorin, India (by T. Anitha)
Knowing cephalopods – Octopus macropous Risso, 1826 (by V. Deepak Samuel and Jamila Patterson).
Epibiosis : War on the surface (by T. Prem Anand).
Seagrasses – Not in favour of human pathogenic bacteria (by Elizabeth Rajesh).