
Research Papers - 2023

  • Jeyasanta, K. I., Laju, R. L., Patterson, J., Jayanthi, M., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Microplastic pollution and its implicated risks in the estuarine environment of Tamil Nadu, India. Science of The Total Environment, 861, 160572.

  • Patterson, J., Laju, R. L., Jeyasanta, K. I., Shelciya, S., Esmeralda, V. G., Asir, N. G. G., Narmatha, M., & Booth, A. M. (2023). Hydrochemical quality and microplastic levels of the groundwaters of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. Hydrogeology Journal, 31(1), 167-184.

  • Jeyasanta, K. I., & Patterson, J. (2023). Seasonal Variation in the Nutritional Composition of Fishes in Tuticorin, Southeast Coast of India. Journal of Advances in Food Science & Technology,10(1), 29–47.

  • Laju, R. L., Jayanthi, M., Jeyasanta, K. I., Patterson, J., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Microplastic contamination in Indian rural and urban lacustrine ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 895, 165146.

  • Jeyasanta, K. I., Jayanthi, M., Laju, R. L., Patterson, J., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution pattern, sources and impacts of microplastics along different coastal zones of Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192, 115114.

  • Shelciya, S., Glen Esmeralda, V., & Patterson, J. (2023). Preliminary Study on the Role of Mangroves in Entrapping Microplastics in Tuticorin Coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Coast of India. Arch Environ ContamToxicol, 85(1), 25-33.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Emmett, J.S. and Mathews, G. (2023). Report on an outbreak of coral-killing sponge Clathria (Microciona) aceratoobtusa in an unprotected reef of the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 39, e8.

  • Bilgi, D.S., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Laju, R.L., Emmett, J.S. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Healthy Seagrass Habitats Provide Better Support to the Associated Biodiversity in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 11(1): 19-27.

  • Arasamuthu, A., Laju, R. L., Diraviya Raj, K., Ashok Kumar, T. K., Leewis, R. J., Edward, J.K.P. (2023). Invasive red alga Kappaphycusalvarezii on the reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, India–a persistent threat to the corals.BioInvasions Records, 12(1): 151–166.

  • Edward J.K.P., Mathews, G. Diraviya Raj, K., Laju. R.L., Arasamuthu, A., Kumar, P.D., Kumar, T.K.A., and Bilgi, D.S. (2023) Biodiversity survey of coastal habitats and associated biodiversity from Rameswaram to Kanniyakumari in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 1-14.

  • Asir, N.G.G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Mathews, G. Diraviya Raj, K., Kumar, T.K.A., Bilgi, D.S. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Present status of the islands in the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, Tamil Nadu. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 23-35.

  • 12. Diraviya Raj, K., Emmett, J.S., Mathews, G. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Bnthic space competition between corals and sponges in the reef areas of the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 255-262.

Research Papers Archives