
Research Papers - 2019

  • Narmatha Sathish , K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson, 2019. Abundance, characteristics and surface degradation features of microplastics in beach sediments of five coastal areas in Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 142 (2019): 112-118.

  • Laju RL, G Mathews, K Diraviya Raj and JK Patterson Edward, 2019. Corals recruit onto live and dead shells of the bivalve Modiolus philippinarum. Bull. Mar.Sci., 95(2): 197-198.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, and Kumar, P.D., 2019. Tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris feeds on coral-competing sponge Rhabdastrella globostellata in an Acropora dominated reef of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, DOI:10.1080/10236244.2019.1637701.

  • Arathy Mol A ,Christine .H.L.Schoenberg, Laju R.L and JK Patterson Edward, 2019.Coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota in Southeast India -bested by Acropora muricata Marine Biodiversity (2019) 49:1069–1070

  • Edward, J.K.P., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., D’Souza, N. and Bilgi, D.S., (2019) Seagrass restoration in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, southeast India: a viable management tool. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Narmatha Sathish, M., Jamila Patterson, 2019. Microbiological, biochemical and organoleptic quality of marine shrimp Ready-To-Eat (RTE) value added products purchased from Self Help Group. Food and Nutrition Open Access, 2 (1): 1-7.

  • Edward, J.K.P., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., D’Souza, N. andBilgi, D.S. (2019) Seagrass restoration in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, southeast India: a viable management tool. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, and Kumar, P.D. (2019). Tiger cowrie Cypraeatigris feeds on coral-competing sponge Rhabdastrellaglobostellata in an Acropora dominated reef of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 52(2): 101-105.

  • Jayanthi, M., Edward J.K.P., Malleshappa, H., Asir, N.G.G., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Bilgi, D.S., Kumar, T.K.A. and Sannasiraj, S.A. (2019) Perforated Trapezoidal Artificial Reefs Can Augment the Benefits of Restoration of Island and Its Marine Ecosystem. Restoration Ecology,

  • Edward, J.K.P., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Laju, R.L., Bharath, M.S., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Grimsditch, G. (2019) Marine debris — An emerging threat to the reef areas of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Polllution Bulletin,

  • Jamila Patterson, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, Narmatha Sathish, Andy M. Booth and J.K. Patterson Edward (2019). Profiling microplastics in the Indian edible oyster, Magallana bilineata collected from the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Science of the Total Environment, 691 (2019) 727-735.

Research Papers Archives