
Research Papers - 2018

  • Diraviya Raj, K., G. Mathews, M. Selva Bharath, Rohit D. Sawant, Vishal Bhave , Deepak Apte, N. Vasudevan and J. K. Patterson Edward, 2018. Climate change-induced coral bleaching in Malvan Marine Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. Current Science, Vol. 114 (2): 384-387.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Quality Indicator Hypoxanthine Compared with Other Volatile Amine Indicators of Sea Foods Stored in Refrigerator. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. DOI: 10.3923/ajava.2018.144.154

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Quality characteristics including formaldehyde content in selected Sea foods of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. International Food Research Journal, Vol. 25(1): 293-302.

  • Arathy Mol, A., Christine Hanna Lydia Schonberg, K. Diraviya Raj, B. Mahalakshm, M. Selva Bharath and Edward J. K. Patterson, 2018. A sponge of the Cliona viridis complex invades and excavates corals of the Gulf of Mannar, south-eastern India. Marine and Fresh Water Research, Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI. org/10.1071/MF17247

  • Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Innovative assessment of organic micropollutants in sewage dumping area of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9 (2(E): 24097 – 24104.

  • Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Innovative assessment of organic micropollutants in sewage dumping area of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9 (2(E): 24097 – 24104.

  • Sheeba Wilson, Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Nutritional status of swimming crab portunus sanguinolentus (herbst, 1783). Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 5: 191 – 202.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, M. Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Aeromonas hydrophila from seafood sources from fish market in Tuticorin, South east coast of India. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (02): 365 – 373.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj, R. L. Laju, M. Selva Bharath, A. Arasamuthu, P. Dinesh Kumar, Deepak S. Bilgi and H. Malleshappa, 2018. Coral mortality in the Gulf of Mannar, southeastern India, due to bleaching caused by elevated sea temperature in 2016. Current Science, Vol. 114 (9): 1967-1972.

  • Immaculate Jeyasantha, K., Sheeba, W, Narmatha, S and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Biochemical Composition and Heavy Metal Content in the Mussels of Kadiyapattinam, Kanyakumari distrct, South West Coast of India. Journal of Nutri Bio, 4(2): 244-258.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Bharath, M.S., Mathews, G., Aeby, G.S. and Edward J.K.P. (2018) Coral-killing sponge Terpioshoshinotainvades the corals of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Current Science,114(5): 1117-1119

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Selva Bharath, Laju, R. L., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A. and Edward J.K.P. (2018) Cushion star (Culcitaschmideliana) preys on coral polyps in Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, DOI:

  • Jamila Patterson, Saritha, K., Hermina, G., Immaculate, K., 2018. Effect of drying technologies on the biochemical properties of Stolephorus commersonnii. Food Quality and Safety, 3: 153-158.

  • Vigneshwari, E.K., Geetanjali, R.K., Immaculate, J.K. 2018. Occurrence of microplastics in fishes from two landing sites in Tuticorin, South east coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135: 889-894.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Lilly, T.T., Jamila Patterson, 2018. Macro and micro nutrients of seagrass species from Gulf of Mannar, India. MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 6(4): 391-398

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. (2018). Rehabilitation of Coastal Habitat: A Vital Management Tool for Protecting Biodiversity and Livelihood against Climatic and Non-Climatic Factors, International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 7(2): 57-71.

Research Papers Archives