
Research Papers - 2023

    • K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson (2025) Dietary intake of heavy metals from seafood and human health risk implications in Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 211 (2025) 117497,
    • Glen Esmeralda V and Jamila Patterson (2025) Accumulation of microplastics in relation to the sediment grain size distribution in seagrass meadows in the coastal areas of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 212 (2025) 117557,
    • Immaculate Jeyasanta, M. Narmatha Sathish, Jamila Patterson, V. Glen Esmeralda and R.L. Laju (2024). Microplastics contamination in commercial fish meal and feed: a major concern in the cultured organisms. Chemosphere 363 (2024) 142832.
    • Jamila Patterson, K. Radampola, P. B. Terney Pradeep Kumara, Glen Esmeralda, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and M. Narmatha Sathish (2024). Salt in foods: a definitive source of microplastics to humans. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety,
  • Jeyasanta, K. I., Laju, R. L., Patterson, J., Jayanthi, M., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Microplastic pollution and its implicated risks in the estuarine environment of Tamil Nadu, India. Science of The Total Environment, 861, 160572.

  • Patterson, J., Laju, R. L., Jeyasanta, K. I., Shelciya, S., Esmeralda, V. G., Asir, N. G. G., Narmatha, M., & Booth, A. M. (2023). Hydrochemical quality and microplastic levels of the groundwaters of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. Hydrogeology Journal, 31(1), 167-184.

  • Jeyasanta, K. I., & Patterson, J. (2023). Seasonal Variation in the Nutritional Composition of Fishes in Tuticorin, Southeast Coast of India. Journal of Advances in Food Science & Technology,10(1), 29–47.

  • Laju, R. L., Jayanthi, M., Jeyasanta, K. I., Patterson, J., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Microplastic contamination in Indian rural and urban lacustrine ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 895, 165146.

  • Jeyasanta, K. I., Jayanthi, M., Laju, R. L., Patterson, J., Bilgi, D. S., Sathish, N., & Edward, J. K. P. (2023). Seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution pattern, sources and impacts of microplastics along different coastal zones of Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192, 115114.

  • Shelciya, S., Glen Esmeralda, V., & Patterson, J. (2023). Preliminary Study on the Role of Mangroves in Entrapping Microplastics in Tuticorin Coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Coast of India. Arch Environ ContamToxicol, 85(1), 25-33.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Emmett, J.S. and Mathews, G. (2023). Report on an outbreak of coral-killing sponge Clathria (Microciona) aceratoobtusa in an unprotected reef of the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 39, e8.

  • Bilgi, D.S., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Laju, R.L., Emmett, J.S. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Healthy Seagrass Habitats Provide Better Support to the Associated Biodiversity in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 11(1): 19-27.

  • Arasamuthu, A., Laju, R. L., Diraviya Raj, K., Ashok Kumar, T. K., Leewis, R. J., Edward, J.K.P. (2023). Invasive red alga Kappaphycusalvarezii on the reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, India–a persistent threat to the corals.BioInvasions Records, 12(1): 151–166.

  • Edward J.K.P., Mathews, G. Diraviya Raj, K., Laju. R.L., Arasamuthu, A., Kumar, P.D., Kumar, T.K.A., and Bilgi, D.S. (2023) Biodiversity survey of coastal habitats and associated biodiversity from Rameswaram to Kanniyakumari in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 1-14.

  • Asir, N.G.G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Mathews, G. Diraviya Raj, K., Kumar, T.K.A., Bilgi, D.S. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Present status of the islands in the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, Tamil Nadu. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 23-35.

  • 12. Diraviya Raj, K., Emmett, J.S., Mathews, G. and Edward, J.K.P. (2023) Bnthic space competition between corals and sponges in the reef areas of the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India. In: Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Conference, (A. Udhayan, NiharRanjan, M.G. Ganesan, A. Manimozhi, K. Sankar, A. Pradeep, D. Vasanthakumari, M. Gabriel Paulraj and T.T. Shameer, Eds.), 16-17, February 2023, hosted by Advanced Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research, Training & Education), Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Vandalur, Chennai, pp. 255-262.

  • Jamila Patterson, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, R.L. Laju, Andy M. Booth, Narmatha Sathish and J.K. Patterson Edward (2022). Microplastic in the coral reef environments of the Gulf of Mannar, India – Characteristics, distributions, sources and ecological risks. Environmental Pollution, 298 (2022) 118848

  • Laju, R.L., M. Jayanthi, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, Jamila Patterson, N. Gladwin Gnana Asir, M. Narmatha Sathish and J.K. Patterson Edward (2022). Spatial and vertical distribution of microplastics and their ecological risk in an Indian freshwater lake ecosystem, Science of the Total Environment,

  • Gladwin Gnana Asir, N., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj, P. Dinesh Kumar, A. Arasamuthu, R.L. Laju, T.K. Ashok Kumar, M. Jayanthi, and J.K. Patterson Edward (2022). The formation and spatio-temporal variations of a new sand spit in Vaan Island, India – an influence of the multipurpose artificial reefs deployed to restore the sinking island, Regional Studies in Marine Science,

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Schönberg, C.H.L. and Emmett J.S. (2022) Space competition under thermal stress; clionaid sponge versus favid coral, Gulf of Mannar, India. Reef Encounter, 37 (1): 48-51.

  • Emmett, J.S. and Diraviya Raj, K. (2022) Status and importance of research on marine sponges in India with special reference to sponges on coral reefs. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 51(7): 589-596.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., R.L. Laju, Jamila Patterson, M. Jayanthi, Deepak S. Bilgi, Narmatha Sathish and J.K. Patterson Edward (2022). Microplastic pollution and its implicated risks in the estuarine environment of Tamil Nadu, India, Science of the Total Environment,

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Emmett, J.S. and Mathews, G. (2022). Report on an outbreak of coral-killing sponge Clathria (Microciona) aceratoobtusa in an unprotected reef of the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 39(e8), 1–5:

  • MARESSOL, 2022. Marine litter from fisheries in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait: Knowledge basis and recommended avenues for change (Authors: Carl Hojman, Edward JK Patterson, ArjanRajasuriya, Dinithi Samarathunga, Immaculate K. Jeyasanta, Laju, R.L., Jamila Patterson, Haar, M.L., Eriksen, G.H., Pires, R., Pradeep Kumara, T., Mahagamage, Y., Mallawatantri, A., Vidanage, S), Report by Salt Lofoten As, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute, 110 p

  • Bilgi,D.S., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Laju, R.L., Arasamuthu, A. and Edward, J.K.P. (2022) Underwater Surveys in the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, Southern India, Unveil New Seagrass Beds. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 10(1): 103-108.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Kumar, P.D., Mathews, G. and Edward, J.K.P. (2021) Spear-fishing with surface supplied diving disturbs the ecological balance in Gulf of Mannar, southeast India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 50(01): 71-74.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., M. Jayanthi, H. Malleshappa, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, R.L. Laju, Jamila Patterson, K. Diraviya Raj, G. Mathews, A.S. Marimuthu and Gabriel Grimsditch (2021). COVID-19 lockdown improved the health of coastal environment and enhanced the population of reef-fish, Marine Pollution Bulletin,

  • Salimi, P.A., Creed, J.C., Esch, M.M., Fenner, D., Jaafar, Z., Levesque, J.C., Montgomery, A.D., Salimi, M.A., Patterson Edward, J.K., Diraviya Raj, K. and Sweet, M. (2021) A review of the diversity and impact of invasive non-native species in tropical marine ecosystems. Marine Biodiversity Records, 14, 11 (2021).

  • Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Laju, R.L., Bharath, M.S., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A. Asir, N.G.G., Kumar, T.K.A., Jayanthi, M. and Edward, J.K.P. (2021) First approach to the characterization of the ecological succession on perforated trapezoidal multi-purpose reef modules: building climate resilience. Ocean and Coastal Management, 210 (2021), 105669.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Aeby, G.S., Mathews, G., Williams, G.J., Caldwell, J., Laju, R.L., Selva, M.S., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Asir, N.G.G., Wedding, L., Davies, A.J., Moritsch, M. and Patterson Edward, J.K. (2021) Coral reef resilience differs among islands within the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India following successive coral bleaching events. Coral Reefs,

  • Jamila Patterson, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, R.L. Laju and J.K. Patterson Edward (2021). Microplastic contamination in Indian edible mussels (Perna perna and Perna viridis) and their environs, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 171 (2021) 112678,

  • Emmett J.S., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G. and Laju, R.L. (2021) Opportunistic spongivore fishes in a reef of Gulf of Mannar, India. Environmental Biology of Fishes,

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson (2020). Bioactive Properties of Ink Gland Extract from Squid Loligo duvauceli. Ecologia, 10 (1): 9-19

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson (2020). Identification of Bioactive Peptides in Mussel Species of Kanyakumari Coast, Asian J. Biotechnol., 12 (2): 75-86.

  • Ashok, A. M., B. Calcinai & J. K. P. Edward (2020) The coral-killing red sponge Clathria (Microciona) aceratoobtusa (Porifera: Demospongiae) invades various coral communities of Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, southeast India, The European Zoological Journal, 87:1, 1-11, DOI:

  • Narmatha Sathish, M., Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson (2020). Occurrence of microplastics in epipelagic and mesopelagic fishes from Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. Science of the Total Environment,

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson (2020). Study on the effect of freshness of raw materials on the final quality of fish meals. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Vol. 49 (01): 124-134.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Narmatha Sathish, Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward (2020). Macro-, meso- and microplastic debris in the beaches of Tuticorin district, Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin,

  • Narmatha Sathish, M., Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson (2020). Microplastics in Salt of Tuticorin, Southeast Coast of India. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2020) 79:111–121

  • Gladwin Gnana Asir, N., Dinesh Kumar, P., Arasamuthu, A., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Ashok Kumar, T.K., Deepak Bilgi, S. and Patterson Edward J.K (2020) Eroding islands of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India: a consequence of long-term impact of coral mining and climate change. Natural Hazards,

  • Jamila Patterson, K. Immaculate Jayasantha, Narmatha Sathish, J.K. Patterson Edward and Andy M. Booth (2020). Microplastic and heavy metal distributions in an Indian coral reef ecosystem. Science of The Total Environment.

  • Narmatha Sathish, M., K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson (2020). Monitoring of microplastics in the clam Donax cuneatus and its habitat in Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar (GoM), India. Environmental Pollution.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews G. and Patterson Edward J.K. (2020) Long-term Benefits of Artificial Reef Modules for Reef Recovery in Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 24 (53)

  • Selva Bharath, M., K. Diraviya Raj, Greta S. Aeby and J. K. Patterson Edward (2020). Observations of brown band disease in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine and Freshwater Research,

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Obura, D.O., Laju, R.L., Bharath, M.S., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Kumar, T.K.A. and Edward, J.K.P. (2020) Low oxygen levels caused by Noctiluca scintillans bloom kills corals in Gulf of Mannar, India. Scientific Reports, 10, 22133.

  • Narmatha Sathish, M., Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson (2020). Microplastic Contamination in River Kosasthalaiyar, Associated Creek and Lake of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries (Special Issue on Rivers), Vol.8(S), 68-76.

  • Mahalakshmi Boopathi and Patterson Edward, J.K. (2020) Soft Corals as Efficient Bio-Indicators of Toxic Metals in the Reefs of Vaan Island, Gulf of Mannar, Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Vol.8: 124-132.

  • Narmatha Sathish , K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson, 2019. Abundance, characteristics and surface degradation features of microplastics in beach sediments of five coastal areas in Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 142 (2019): 112-118.

  • Laju RL, G Mathews, K Diraviya Raj and JK Patterson Edward, 2019. Corals recruit onto live and dead shells of the bivalve Modiolus philippinarum. Bull. Mar.Sci., 95(2): 197-198.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, and Kumar, P.D., 2019. Tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris feeds on coral-competing sponge Rhabdastrella globostellata in an Acropora dominated reef of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, DOI:10.1080/10236244.2019.1637701.

  • Arathy Mol A ,Christine .H.L.Schoenberg, Laju R.L and JK Patterson Edward, 2019.Coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota in Southeast India -bested by Acropora muricata Marine Biodiversity (2019) 49:1069–1070

  • Edward, J.K.P., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., D’Souza, N. and Bilgi, D.S., (2019) Seagrass restoration in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, southeast India: a viable management tool. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Narmatha Sathish, M., Jamila Patterson, 2019. Microbiological, biochemical and organoleptic quality of marine shrimp Ready-To-Eat (RTE) value added products purchased from Self Help Group. Food and Nutrition Open Access, 2 (1): 1-7.

  • Edward, J.K.P., Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., D’Souza, N. andBilgi, D.S. (2019) Seagrass restoration in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, southeast India: a viable management tool. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, and Kumar, P.D. (2019). Tiger cowrie Cypraeatigris feeds on coral-competing sponge Rhabdastrellaglobostellata in an Acropora dominated reef of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 52(2): 101-105.

  • Jayanthi, M., Edward J.K.P., Malleshappa, H., Asir, N.G.G., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Bilgi, D.S., Kumar, T.K.A. and Sannasiraj, S.A. (2019) Perforated Trapezoidal Artificial Reefs Can Augment the Benefits of Restoration of Island and Its Marine Ecosystem. Restoration Ecology,

  • Edward, J.K.P., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Laju, R.L., Bharath, M.S., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A., Grimsditch, G. (2019) Marine debris — An emerging threat to the reef areas of Gulf of Mannar, India. Marine Polllution Bulletin,

  • Jamila Patterson, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, Narmatha Sathish, Andy M. Booth and J.K. Patterson Edward (2019). Profiling microplastics in the Indian edible oyster, Magallana bilineata collected from the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Science of the Total Environment, 691 (2019) 727-735.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., G. Mathews, M. Selva Bharath, Rohit D. Sawant, Vishal Bhave , Deepak Apte, N. Vasudevan and J. K. Patterson Edward, 2018. Climate change-induced coral bleaching in Malvan Marine Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. Current Science, Vol. 114 (2): 384-387.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Quality Indicator Hypoxanthine Compared with Other Volatile Amine Indicators of Sea Foods Stored in Refrigerator. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. DOI: 10.3923/ajava.2018.144.154

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Quality characteristics including formaldehyde content in selected Sea foods of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. International Food Research Journal, Vol. 25(1): 293-302.

  • Arathy Mol, A., Christine Hanna Lydia Schonberg, K. Diraviya Raj, B. Mahalakshm, M. Selva Bharath and Edward J. K. Patterson, 2018. A sponge of the Cliona viridis complex invades and excavates corals of the Gulf of Mannar, south-eastern India. Marine and Fresh Water Research, Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI. org/10.1071/MF17247

  • Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Innovative assessment of organic micropollutants in sewage dumping area of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9 (2(E): 24097 – 24104.

  • Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Innovative assessment of organic micropollutants in sewage dumping area of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9 (2(E): 24097 – 24104.

  • Sheeba Wilson, Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Nutritional status of swimming crab portunus sanguinolentus (herbst, 1783). Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 5: 191 – 202.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, M. Narmatha Sathish and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Aeromonas hydrophila from seafood sources from fish market in Tuticorin, South east coast of India. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (02): 365 – 373.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj, R. L. Laju, M. Selva Bharath, A. Arasamuthu, P. Dinesh Kumar, Deepak S. Bilgi and H. Malleshappa, 2018. Coral mortality in the Gulf of Mannar, southeastern India, due to bleaching caused by elevated sea temperature in 2016. Current Science, Vol. 114 (9): 1967-1972.

  • Immaculate Jeyasantha, K., Sheeba, W, Narmatha, S and Jamila Patterson, 2018. Biochemical Composition and Heavy Metal Content in the Mussels of Kadiyapattinam, Kanyakumari distrct, South West Coast of India. Journal of Nutri Bio, 4(2): 244-258.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Bharath, M.S., Mathews, G., Aeby, G.S. and Edward J.K.P. (2018) Coral-killing sponge Terpioshoshinotainvades the corals of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Current Science,114(5): 1117-1119

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Selva Bharath, Laju, R. L., Kumar, P.D., Arasamuthu, A. and Edward J.K.P. (2018) Cushion star (Culcitaschmideliana) preys on coral polyps in Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, DOI:

  • Jamila Patterson, Saritha, K., Hermina, G., Immaculate, K., 2018. Effect of drying technologies on the biochemical properties of Stolephorus commersonnii. Food Quality and Safety, 3: 153-158.

  • Vigneshwari, E.K., Geetanjali, R.K., Immaculate, J.K. 2018. Occurrence of microplastics in fishes from two landing sites in Tuticorin, South east coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135: 889-894.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Lilly, T.T., Jamila Patterson, 2018. Macro and micro nutrients of seagrass species from Gulf of Mannar, India. MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 6(4): 391-398

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. (2018). Rehabilitation of Coastal Habitat: A Vital Management Tool for Protecting Biodiversity and Livelihood against Climatic and Non-Climatic Factors, International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 7(2): 57-71.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Monolisha, S., and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2017. Impacts of traditional shore seine operation along the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar, southeast India. Current Science, 112(1): 40-45.

  • Thinesh, T., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K. and Edward, J.K.P., 2017. Outbreaks of Acropora white syndrome and Terpios sponge overgrowth combined with coral mortality in Palk Bay, southeast coast of India. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, dao03155

  • Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Rajesh, S., Dinesh Kumar, P. and Edward, J.K.P., 2017. First record of Turbinaria patula (Scleractinia) from Palk Bay, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 46(1): 190-191.

  • Lilly, T.T., Immaculate, J.K. and *Jamila, P., 2017. Macro and micronutrients of selected marine fishes in Tuticorin, South East coast of India. International Food Research Journal 24(1): 191-201.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., S.I. Jeyanth Allwin and Jamila Patterson, 2017. Development of nutritious chutney powder from shrimp head waste for better utilization to reduce environmental pollution. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences 5 (3), 1- 8.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2017. Effect of formulated feed on the biochemical composition of cultured shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 2 (1), 15 – 22.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2017. Survey landing of trash fishes in the major fish landing centers of Tuticorin, South east coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo- Marine Sciences. 46 (05), 1022 – 51043.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Laju, R.L., Selva Bharath, M., Arasamuthu, A., Dinesh Kumar, P., Deepak S. Bilgi, and Malleshappa, H., 2017. Severe Coral Bleaching in the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India: a status update. Reef Encounter, Vol.31 (1), August 2017:65-68.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, T. Lilly and Jamila Patterson, 2017. Prevalence of Vibrio species in the Cultured Shrimp and Their Antibiotic Resistants. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 1(8),100-111.

  • Velammal, A., Saritha, K., Immaculate, J.K. and Jamila Patterson, 2017. Food safety and shelf life of cooked meat of brown mussel, Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) stored under different temperatures. International Food Research Journal, Vol. 24(6): 2609-2615.

  • Jonathan P. A. Gardner, Jamila Patterson , Sanil George and J. K. Patterson Edward, 2016. Combined evidence indicates that Perna indica Kuriakose and Nair 1976 is Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Oman region introduced into southern India more than 100 years ago. Biol Invasions, 18:1375-1390.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Selva Bharath, M. and Patterson Edward, J. K. (2016). Mass mortality of Montipora digitata (Scleractinia) in Vaan Island, Gulf of Mannar, southeast India. Current Science, 110 (8): 1407-1408.

  • Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2016. Evaluation of antibacterial activity of crude extracts of gastropod, Harpa davidis, Roding 1978, from Kaniyakumari coast against isolated human and fish pathogens. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol. 9 (3): 159-162.

  • Immaculate Jayasanta, K., Sinduja Prakash and Jamila Patterson, 2016. Wet and dry salting processing of double spotted queen fish, Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål, 1775). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, Vol. 4 (3): 330-338.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2016. Effect of formulated feed on the biochemical composition of cultured shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 2 (1), 15 – 22.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2016. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Listeria monocytogenes in Sea Foods of Tuticorin Coast, Southeastern India. European Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (6): 356-364.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Aeby, G. S., Mathews, G., Selva Bharath, M., Laju, R. L., Arasamuthu, A., Dinesh Kumar, P. and Patterson Edward, J. K. (2016) Response of fish and snail corallivores to an outbreak of acute tissue loss disease on the reefs of Vaan Island in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral reef symposium, Honolulu, USA: 85-99.

  • Jamila Patterson, Dan Wilhelmsson and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2016) Co-management to address livelihood linked threats to coral reefs – case study from Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, USA: 538-546

  • Frederick Sam, J. and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2016. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some organs of edible fishes of Tuticorin, South east coast of India. International Journal of Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture, 6(2): 84-93.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Aswathi E.M., Saritha K., Jamila Patterson, 2015. Histamine content in local consumers demanded fishes of Tuticorin. International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 2 (1), 50 – 61.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K., Jamila Patterson and Edward J. K. Patterson, 2015. Isolation of a Novel Antibacterial Phenyl Thioketone from the Seagrass, Cymodocea serrulata. Phytother. Res. ,29: 554–560.

  • Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, K.Immaculate Jeyasanta, Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Antioxidant activity and qualitative phytochemical screening of Sesuvium portulacastrum from Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar coast. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences, Vol. 3 (5): 65-80.

  • Hermina Giftson, Aswathi Elizabeth Mani and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Antimicrobial compounds with therapeutic potential from Hemifusus pugilinus against human and fish pathogens. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 4 (07), 1141-1149.

  • Aeby, G. S., K. D. Raj, G. Mathews, M. S. Bharath and J. K. P. Edward, 2015. First record of coralline lethal orange disease (CLOD) in the Indian Ocean. Coral Reefs (2015), Published online 03 July 2015.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., K. Saritha, Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Quality Assessment of fresh and dried Puffer Fish (Lagocephalus lunaris) obtained from Tuticorin, South East Coast of India. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, Vol. 7 (4): 268-277.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj, S. Rajesh, A. Arasamuthu and R.L. Laju, 2015. Invasion of the exotic seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii, on coral areas in two islands (Krusadai & Mulli) in the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India – status and control measures. Reef Encounter, the News Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies, Vol. 30 (2) : 50-53.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Different types of formulated feeds on the biochemical composition of cultured shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798). World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 7 (1): 55-68.

  • Sinduja Prakash, Saritha Kailasam and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Effect of radiation on the nutritional and microbial qualities of salted and sun-dried Sharpfin barracuda (Sphyraena acutipinnis). International Journal of Radiation Biology, 91(7): 540-546.

  • Mary, M.D., Kailasam S, Jansi, M., and Patterson J, 2015. Socio Economic Status of Fisher Folks Engaged in Mussel Fishery at Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu, India. J Marine Sci Res Dev 5: 165. DOI:10.4172/2155-9910.1000165.

  • Saritha K, Mary D, Patterson J (2015) Nutritional Status of Green Mussel Perna Viridis at Tamil Nadu, Southwest Coast of India. J Nutr Food Sci S14: 003.DOI:10.4172/2155-9600.S14-003

  • Deepak Samuel,V.and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Studies on the embryonic development pharaoh’s cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis (Erhenberg,1831) under laboratory conditions. Indian Journal of Geo- Marine Sciences. 44 (4), 519 – 527.

  • Saritha Kailasam, K. Immaculate Jeyasantha, Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Sexual maturity linked variations in proximate composition and mineral content of female scomberomorus commerson (narrow banded mackerel) in south east coast of India. Sky Journal of Food Science, 4 (7), 108 – 115.

  • Jeyanth Allwin, S.I., K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Extraction of Chitosan from White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Processing Waste and Examination of its Bioactive Potentials. Advances in Biological Research 9 (6), 389 – 396.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Hermina Giftson, Saritha. K and Jamila Patterson, 2015. Studies on the Nutritional and Microbiological Quality of Smoked Tuna Fish (Auxis thazard) in Tuticorin, South East Coast of India. International Journal of Food Quality and Safety, 1, 28-38.

  • Saritha, K., Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Physico-chemical and sensorial characteristics of commercial seafood pickles of Tuticorin super markets, Tamil Nadu, India. International Food Research Journal, Vol. 21(2): 649-654.

  • Rajesh, S., K. Diraviyaraj, G. Mathews, T. Sivaramakrishnan and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2014. Status of Alcyonacean corals along Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 43 (4), April 2014, 666-675.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2014. Coralline algae-the untouched life forms in the reefs of Gulf of Mannar, Southeastrn India. Presented in the 3rd Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium (APCRS), Pingtung, Taiwan, 23-27 June 2014.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., K. Saritha and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Carotenoid content of unutilized marine ornamental fishes (Dascyllus trimaculatus, Pomacentrus pavo, Thalassoma lunare). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, Vol. 4 (3): 150-153.

  • Saritha, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Innovative Seafood Health Mix Powder from Juveniles of Leiognathus sp. and Their Quality for Human Consumption. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 9 (2): 113-120.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Nutritive Evaluation of Trash Fishes in Tuticorin (India). World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, Vol. 6 (3): 275-288.

  • Thinesh, T., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj and J. K. Patterson Edward, 2014. Variation in black and white band disease progression in corals of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, Southeastern India. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Vol. 110: 227 -234.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Effect of supplemental antioxidant on the stability of fatty fish meals under storage. Journal of Science, Vol. 4 (8): 468 – 485.

  • Saritha, K., K. Immaculate Jeyasanta and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Quality of Tomato Hind Fish (Cephalopholis sonnerati) at different stages of post harvesting. International Journal of Research In Medical and Health Sciences, Vol. 4 (4): 30-42.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., S.I. Jayanth Allwin and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Quality Characteristics of Traditionally Sundried Fishes for Poultry Feed in Tuticorin, South East Coast of India. British Journal of Poultry Sciences, 3 (3): 49-61.

  • Sinduja Prakash, K. Immaculate Jeyasanta, J.K. Patterson Edward and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Effect of gamma irradiation on the microbial quality of dried fishes. The Asian Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol. 1 (3): 26-48.

  • Hermina Giftson and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Antibacterial Activity of the Shell Extracts of Marine Mollusc, Donax faba against Pathogens. International Journal of Microbiological Research, 5 (2): 140-143.

  • Aswathi Elizabeth Mani and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Quantitative estimation and antioxidant activities of the seaweed Gracilaria edulis from Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 3(6): 114 – 128.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta K⃰ and Jamila Patterson, 2014. Biodiversity of driftwood associated marine fungi from Punnakayal mangroves of Tuticorin district, South east coast of India. Elixir Environment and Forestry, 76, 28350 – 28357.

  • Mathews, G., Laju, R. L. and Diraviya Raj, K. 2014. Under water visual census of reef fishes in Tuticorin group of islands, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India.

  • Mathews, G., Laju, R. L. and Diraviya Raj, K. 2014. Under water visual census of reef fishes in Tuticorin group of islands, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India.Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. In press.

  • Patterson Edward, J. K., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K. and Rajesh, S., 2014. Study on the status of corals in Palk Bay, Southeast coast of India during 2007-2013. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. In press.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2014. Unscientific diving practices for livelihood resulting in loss of human lives in Tuticorin coast, Southeastern India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. In press.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G., Rajesh, S. and Patterson Edward, J. K. 2014. Vaan Island of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India – on the verge of submergence. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences Sciences. In press.

  • Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Rajesh, S., Dinesh Kumar, P. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2014. First record of Turbinaria patula (Scleractinia) from Palk Bay, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. In press.

  • Jeyasanta Immaculate, K., Sinduja Prakash, G. R. Carol and Jamila Patterson, 2013. Deterioration due to delayed icing and its impacts on the nutritional quality of Malabar travally (Carangoides malabaricus). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol.48 (3), 519–526.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Velammal Aiyamperumal and Jamila Patterson. 2013. Utilization of Trash Fishes as Edible Fish Powder and its Quality Characteristics and Consumer Acceptance. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences 8 (1): 01-10.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Velammal Aiyamperumal and Jamila Patterson. 2013. Quality and shelf life status of salted and sun dried fishes of Tuticorin fishing villages in different seasons. International Food Research Journal 20(4): 1855-1859.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. and Jamila Patterson. 2013. Total lipid, phospholipid and cholesterol contents of six commercially important fishes of Tuticorin, south east coast of India. Sky Journal of Food Science, 2 (6), 47 – 53.

  • Saritha, K., Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, M. Priyalaxmi and Jamila Patterson, 2013. Antibacterial Activity and Biochemical Constituents of Seaweed Ulva lactuca. Global Journal of Pharmacology 7 (3): 276 – 282

  • Monolisha, S., Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, J.K. Patterson Edward and Jamila Patterson, 2013. molecular characterization and antimicrobial activity of octopus aegina and octopus dolfusii in gulf of mannar coast. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 4(9): 3582-3587.

  • Monolisha, S., Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, J.K. Patterson Edward and Jamila Patterson, 2013. molecular characterization and antimicrobial activity of octopus aegina and octopus dolfusii in gulf of mannar coast. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 4(9): 3582-3587.

  • Angiesh, T. K, Raja, P. and Diraviya Raj, K., 2013. Antibacterial activity of bacteria associated with mangrove plant Avicennia marina and fish Mene maculata against human pathogens. Journal of Ecobiology, 32(1): 11-19.

  • Raja, P., Chellaram, C., Alex John, A., Karunakaran, K., Githu, C. and Diraviya Raj, K., 2013. Bioactive potential of green seaweeds, Ulva fasciata (Delile, 1813) and U. reticulate (Forsskal, 1777) against human pathogenic bacteria. Proceedings of the 3rd NTBEECOM’13, Chennai, pp. 4-9.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G. Malleshappa, H. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2013. Reproductive success of restored coral colonies in Vaan Island, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India.Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. In press.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., 2013. Gulf of Mannar. ENVIS Newsletter on State of Environment, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu, Vol.10 (3): 2-5.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and J.R. Bhatt, 2012. Impacts of cultivation of Kappaphycus alvarezii on coral reef environs of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, Southeastern India. In: Invasive Alian Plants: An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent (eds. J.R. Bhatt, J.S. Singh, S.T. Singh, R.S. Tripathi and R.K. Kohli). CAB International 2012: 89-98.

  • Siva Rama Krishnan, T., S. Rajesh and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Trawl Fishing of Penaeid Prawn in the Northern Mandapam Coast of Palk Bay. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 4 (3): 278-283.

  • Saritha, K. and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Processing of Innovative ready to fry crackers from Penaeus japonicus. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences 7 (1): 66-73.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., G. Mathews, K. Diraviya Raj, T. Thinesh, Jamila Patterson, Jerker Tamelander and Dan Wilhelmsson, 2012. Coral reefs of Gulf of Mannar, India-Signs of resilience. Proc. of the 12th International Coral reef Symposium, Caims, Australia, 09-13, July 2012.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., 2012. Status of dugong conservation in India – Recent initiatives. Presented in the Eighth International Symposium on “SEASTAR2000 and Asian bio-logging Science”, held in Bangkok, Thailand, 20-21 February 2012.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and G. Mathews, 2012. Coral restoration in the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K. Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P.Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN-India, pp. 231 – 238.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and J.R. Bhatt, 2012. A note on bio-invasion of Kappaphycusalvarezii on coral reefs and seagrass beds in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K. Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN -India, pp. 281-287.

  • Bhatt, J.R., Ritesh Kumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2012. Conservation and management of coral reefs in India: An overview. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K. Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN-India, pp. 1 – 17.

  • Mathews, G., V. Deepak Samuel and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2012. Status of ornamental reef fishes of the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, Southeastern India. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K. Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN-India, pp. 155–163.

  • Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2012. Reef fish spawning aggregation – pilot survey report from Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K.Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN-India, pp. 179– 185.

  • Sundararaju , R., H. Malleshappa , S.Shenbagamoorthy and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2012. Status of corals and conservation measures in the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K. Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.), IUCN-India, pp. 19-27.2012

  • Immaculate jeyasanta, K, Madhanraj,P, Jamila patterson and Panneerselvam, A. ,2012. Diversity of driftwood associated marine fungi of the Muthupet mangrove of Tamilnadu, India. Elixir Bio Diver. 42A (2012) 6544-6548.

  • Saritha, K., K. Immaculate jayasantha, Velammal Aiyamperumal and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Microbial and Biochemical Qualities of Salted and Sun Dried Sea Foods of Cuddalore, Southeast Coast of India. International Journal of Microbiological Research, 3 (2): 138-143.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, K., Velammal Aiyamperumal and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Escherichia coli in Sea Foods of Tuticorin Coast, Southeastern India. Advances in Biological Research 6 (2): 70-77.

  • Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, V. Bharathi and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Antibacterial Activity and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Sea Grass Cymodocea rotundata. International Journal of Microbiological Research, 3 (2): 99-103.

  • Aswathi Elizabeth Mani, V Velammal Aiyamperumal and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Phytochemicals of the Seagrass Syringodium isoetifolium and its Antibacterial and Insecticidal Activities. European Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (3): 63-67.

  • Bharathi, V., Jamila Patterson, R. Rajendiran, 2012. Antagonistic activity of marine bacillus species from marine sediment of punnaikayal estuary of Tuticorin against Aspergillus niger. International Journal of Current Research and Review,4(16), 39 – 46.

  • Immaculate Jeyasanta, Sinduja Prakash and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Biochemical and microbial qualities of Sardinella fimbriata sun dried in different methods. International Food Research Journal 19(4): 1699-1703.

  • Rajee, O. and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Histological changes in the target organs of channa punctatus after exposure to anthraquinone vat dyes. Journal of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Monitoring. 22 (5), 443 – 449.

  • Rajee, O. and Jamila Patterson, 2012. Biodegradation of textile dye anthraquinone vat blue 4 by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 3 (4), 743 – 751.

  • Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward 2012. Fish spawning aggregation – pilot study from Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. In Coral reefs in India Status threats and conservation measures, 179 – 185.

  • Diraviya Raj, K. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2012. Studies on the reproduction and recruitment of the corals of Tuticorin coast in the Gulf of Mannar. In: Bhatt, J.R., J.K.Patterson Edward, Donald MacIntosh and B.P. Nilaratna (eds.) – Coral reefs in India – status, threats and conservation measures. IUCN-India, pp. 217-229.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., Mathews, G. and Patterson Edward, J. K., 2012. Increase of recruit density in Gulf of Mannar – A positive progression in the reef recovery. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin. Vol. 4 (1&2): 6 – 8.

  • Sushma Guleria and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2012. Coastal community resilience: analysis of resilient elements in 3 districts of Tamil Nadu State, India. Journal of Coastal Conservation, Vol. 16:101–110.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and Rob J. Leewis, 2011. Artificial reefs – Increasing biodiversity
    and long term coastal fisheries in the Tuticorin region, India. in “Climate of Coastal Cooperation”, Robbert Misdorp (editor), published by the Coastal and Marine Union- EUCC, Leiden, the Netherlands.

  • Sivaramakrishnan, T., Rudie H. Kuiter and Jamila Patterson (2011). Occurrence of western Indian Ocean seahorse Hippocampus borboniensis Duméril, 1870, in the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine SciencesJMS Vol.40 (5),642 – 644 .

  • Sinduja Prakash, Immaculate Jeyasanta, Reiba carol and Jamila Patterson (2011). Microbial quality of salted and sun dried sea foods of Tuticorin dry fish market, Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Microbiological Research 2 (2): 188-195.

  • Rajesh Sthevan , T. Siva rama Krishnan and Jamila Patterson ( 2011). The heavy metal pollution in Punnakayal estuary of Tuticorin coast, Tamil Nadu. Global Journal of Environmental Research, 5 (2): 89 – 96.

  • Bharathi, V., Jamila Patterson and R. Rajendiran (2011). Optimization of extraction of phenolic compounds from Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh using Response Surface Methodology. International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences, 1:1, 46-50.

  • Ditty Chacko and Jamila Patterson (2011). Qualities of octopus meat balls developed using smashed potato and bengal gram starches. World Journal of Dairy and Food sciences 6 (2): 130 – 135.

  • Rajee, O. and Jamila Patterson (2011). Decolorization of Azo Dye (Orange MR) by an Autochthonous Bacterium, Micrococcus sp. DBS 2. Indian Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 51(2), 159-163.

  • Ashok Kumar, P., Babu Joseph and Jamila Patterson (2011). Antibiotic and heavy metal resistance profile of pathogens isolated from infected fish in Tuticorin, south-east coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 58(2): 121-125

  • Thinesh, T., G. Mathews and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2011. Coral disease prevalence in the Palk Bay, Southeastern India – with special emphasis to black band. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.40 (6): 813-820.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, 2011. Experimental culture of the Pharaoh’s cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis, Ehrenberg 1831, under closed circulation systems. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol.40 (6): 841-846.

  • Diraviya Raj, K. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2010). Observations on the reproduction of Acropora corals along the Tuticorin coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol.39 (2), 219-226.

  • Mathews, G.., K. Diraviya Raj, T. Thinesh, S. Rajesh, Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2010). Preliminary baseline data on marine flora and fauna of Kudankulam coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, Vol. 2 (1), 1-5.

  • Ditty Chacko and Jamila Patterson, (2010). Laboratory rearing of the pharaoh’s cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis (Erhenberg, 1831) through multiple generations in a ‘semi-closed’ water system. Asian Fisheries Science, 23: 240-253.

  • Asta Lakshmi S. and Patterson Edward, J. K., (2010). Coastal Issues and Management strategy for Sagar Island in Bay of Bengal, Recent Research in Science and Technology 2(5): 96-101.

  • Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K., Thinesh, T., Patterson, J., Patterson Edward, J. K. and Wilhelmsson, D., 2010. Status of seagrass diversity, distribution and abundance in Gulf of Mannar marine national park and Palk Bay (Pamban to Thondi), Southeastern India. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 2 (2): 1-21.

  • Jamila Patterson and Govindan Ranjitha, (2009). Qualities of commercially and experimentally sun dried fin fish, Scomberoides tol. African Journal of Food Science Vol. 3 (10), 299 – 302.

  • Jamila Patterson, Eva Linden, J.K. Patterson Edward, Dan Wilhelmsson, and Inger Lofgren, (2009). Community based adult and environmental education in the fishing villages of Tuticorin and its role on conservation of the environment. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, Vol. 49(2), 384-393.

  • Rajee Olaganathan and Jamila Patterson, (2009). Decolourization of anthraquine Vat Blue 4 by the free cells of an autochthonous bacterium, Bacillus subtills. Water Science and Technology, 60-12, 3225-3232.

  • Chellaram, C. and J.K. P. Edward, (2009). In vivo anti inflammatory bustle of reef associated mollusk, Trochus tentorium. Journal of Advanced Biotechnology, Vol. VIII (12): 32-34.

  • Chellaram, C. and J.K. P. Edward, (2009). Anti inflammatory potential of coral reef associated gastropod, Drupa margariticola. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2 (2): 75-77.

  • Chellaram, C. and J.K. P. Edward, (2009). Anti nociceptive assets of coral associated gastropod, Drupa margariticola. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 5 (3): 236-239.

  • Sugirtha P. Kumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2009). Assessment of metal concentration in the sediment cores of Manakudy estuary, south west coast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol.38 (2), 235-248.

  • Thinesh, T., G. Mathews and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2009). Coral disease prevalence in Mandapam Group of Islands, Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, Vol.38 (4), 444-450.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., 2009. Coral reproduction in Gulf of Mannar – Good sign. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 13p.

  • Mathews, G., 2009. Coral restoration to combat the loss of reef areas in Gulf of Mannar South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 13p.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., V.K. Melkani, M.Thangaraja and Dan Wilhelmsson, 2009. A note on the algal bloom in Keezhakkarai coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 14p.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., 2009. Annual coral bleaching in Gulf of Mannar. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 18p.

  • Thinesh, T., 2009. Coral reefs of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay : Signs of increased prevalence of coral diseases. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 19p.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., 2009. Unexplored healthy patch reefs, gorgonid and seagrass beds off South Tuticorin. South Indian Coastal and Marine Bulletin, 1 (1&2): 20p.

  • Jamila Patterson, Eva Lindén, Christin Bierbrier, Inger Löfgren and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2008). Community-based adult education to fisher women of Rajapalyam fishing village, India. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, Vol. 48 (2), 399 – 405.

  • Jamila Patterson, Eva Lindén, Bierbrier, Dan Wilhelmsson, Inger Löfgren, D. Obura and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2008). Empowering fisher women through ICT in reef conservation and management – a case study from Tuticorin coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008, 1132 – 1134.

  • Ashok Kumar, P. and Jamila Patterson, (2008). Granulometric study of Tharuvaikulam and Thirespuram J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 50 (2): 127 – 133.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., G. Mathews, Jamila Patterson, R. Ram Kumar, Dan Wilhelmsson, Jerker Tamelander and Olof Linden, (2008). Status of coral reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Obura D.O., Tamelander, J., & Linden, O. (Eds) (2008). Ten years after bleaching – facing the consequences of climate change in the Indian Ocean. CORDIO Status Report 2008. Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean/Sida-SAREC, Mombasa, 45-60.

  • Jamila Patterson, Eva Lindén, Christin Bierbrier, Inger Löfgren, Dan Wilhelmsson and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2008). Empowerment of fisher women of Siluvaipatti fishing village of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India through adult education and ICT training. Convergence, Vol.41, No. 2-3, 75 – 81.

  • Jamila Patterson, J.K. Patterson Edward, V. Deepak Samuel, Dan Wilhelmsson, Jerker Tamelander and Olof Linden, (2008). The role of alternate livelihoods and awareness creation in coral reef conservation in the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. Obura D.O., Tamelander, J., & Linden, O. (Eds) (2008). Ten years after bleaching – facing the consequences of climate change in the Indian Ocean. CORDIO Status Report 2008. Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean/Sida-SAREC, Mombasa, 387-395.

  • Tamelander, J., S. Sattar, U. Satapoomin, S. Campbell, J.K. Patterson Edward, V. Hoon, M. Chandi, R. Arthur, S. Adam and M. Samoilys (2008). Reef fish spawning aggregations in South Asia and Andaman Sea: Preliminary findings from local knowledge. Obura D.O., Tamelander, J., & Linden, O. (Eds) (2008). Ten years after bleaching – facing the consequences of climate change in the Indian Ocean. CORDIO Status Report 2008. Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean/Sida-SAREC, Mombasa, 277-281.

  • Thinesh, T., G. Mathews and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2008) Occurrence of cyanobacterial infection (black band disease) in Mandapam group of islands, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Tamil Nadu. Seaweed Res. Utilization, 30 (Special Issue): 67-75.

  • Mathews, G., K. Diraviya Raj and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2008) Seagrass abundance in Manoli Island of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeast of India. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 59-65.

  • Naganathan, V., K. Eswaran., M. Ganesan and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2008) Nutrient analysis of economically important seaweeds in southeast coast of Tamil Nadu. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 19-23.

  • Raja, P., Golda Vincy, V. and A. Murugan, (2008) Chemical defense in the seaweed, Caulerpa scalpelliformis from Tuticorin coast. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 123-132.

  • Rajesh, R.P. and A. Murugan, (2008) Antifouling chemical defense in seaweed, Centroceras clavulatum distributed along Tuticorin coast. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 133-139.

  • Emmanuel Joshua Jebasingh, S and A. Murugan, (2008) Antagonistic activity of epibiotic bacteria associated with the mangrove Avicennia marina against human bacterial pathogens. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 165-170.

  • Arul Senthil, K., Rajesh, R.P. and A. Murugan, (2008) Antibacterial activity of the crude extracts of the seaweed Padina boergesenii. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 177-182.

  • Emmanuel Joshua Jebasingh, S., P. Raja and A. Murugan, (2008) Antibacterial activity of the seaweed Gracilaria edulis associated epiphytic bacteria against human bacterial pathogens. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 183-189.

  • Raja, P., Rajesh, R.P. and A. Murugan, (2008) Antagonistic activity of the surface associated bacteria of the seaweed Halimeda tuna. Seaweed Res. Utiln., (Special issue): 191-196.

  • Sushma Guleria and J. K. Patterson Edward (2008). Corroborating the need for vulnerability and capacity analysis. Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 6 (6): 53-62.

  • Patterson Edward, J. K., Mathews, G., Diraviya Raj, K. and Tamelander, J., 2008. Coral reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India-observations on the effect of elevated SST during 2005-2008. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, 7-11 July 2008, 1286-1288.

  • Jamila Patterson and C.J. Bindu, (2007) Development of meat balls from finfish, prawns and molluscs: quality and sensory analysis. Ital. J. Food Sci., Vol. 19 (2): 209-216.

  • Sugirtha P. Kumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2007) Hydrobiology of Manakudi Estuary – Southwest coast of India during closed period – a rapid study. Indian Hydrobiology, 10 (2): 219-230.

  • Murugan, A., R. Leka Meera, P. Raja and K. Arul Senthil, (2007). Antibacterial activity of the seaweed Chaetomorpha antennina and its epiphytic bacteria against biofilm and human pathogenic bacteria. Seaweed Research and Utilization, 29(1&2): 67-74.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2007). Fouling deterrent chemical defence in three muricid gastropod egg masses from the Southeast coast of India. Biofouling, 23(3/4): 259-265.

  • Shani John and Jamila Patterson, (2007) Probiotic activity and antibiotic resistance pattern of microbes isolated from shrimp ponds. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, Vol. 49(2): 127-133.

  • R. E. Renitta, K. M. E. Gnanambal and Jamila Patterson, (2006) Development of Chutney Powder from Spider Conch, Lambis lambis (Linne, 1758). Asian Fisheries Science, 19:309-317.

  • Murugan, A. S. Emmanuel Joshua Jebasingh and R.P. Rajesh, (2006). Reproductive anomaly in female marine gastropod Babylonia spirata along Chennai and Tuticorin coasts of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 48(2): 190-194.

  • Diraviya Raj, K., G. Mathews and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2006). Macro algal assemblage structure on the reefs of Tuticorin groups of islands in the Gulf of Mannar. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 48(2): 166-172.

  • Murugan, A., (2006). The effect of tsunami on sea turtle nesting beaches along the coast of India. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science: 75-78.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Makoto Terazaki and Masashi Yamaguchi, (2006). The impact of tsunami in coastal areas: Coastal protection and disaster prevention measures – Experiences from Japanese coasts. Coastal Marine Science, Vol. 30(2): 414 – 424.

  • Mathews, G., and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2006). Effect of sedimentation and pollution in the reefs of Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan: 837 – 841.

  • Chellaram, C., Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2006). Distribution of Red-band disease and effect of boring sponges on solitary corals in Tuticorin coastal waters, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan: 133 – 137.

  • Jamila Patterson, V.Deepak Samuel and Dan Wilhelmsson, (2006). Role of fisherwomen in coral conservation and management – A report from reef dependent fishing village (Tharuvaikulam) of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan: 1416 – 1420.

  • Ditty Chacko and Jamila Patterson, (2006). Effect of different feed on the growth of lobsters experimentally reared in Tuticorin, South east coast of India. In: Proceedings of the International conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (Eds.: J.G. Ray, Kuruvilla Joseph and George Varghese): 161-165.

  • Deepak Samuel, V., R. Ramkumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2006). Collection, preservation and identification of plankton and estimation of productivity. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 83-109.

  • Deepak Samuel, V., Ditty Chacko, and Jamila Patterson, (2006). Identification of marine mollusks. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 175-213.

  • Murugan, A., (2006). Identification of seahorses. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 214 – 218.

  • Murugan, A., (2006). Identification of sea turtles. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 234 – 236.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Jamila Patterson and G. Mathews, (2006). Restoration techniques for conservation and management of coral reefs. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 280-286.

  • Jamila Patterson, J.K. Patterson Edward, and R. Ramkumar, (2006). Artificial reefs techniques for enhancement of biodiversity and socio-economics. In: Training manual of the national training workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization: 287-294.

  • Murugan, A. and V. Naganathan, (2006). A note on the green sea turtles rescued in Tuticorin, Gulf of mannar, Tamil Nadu. Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter No.3: 10-11.

  • Emilin Renitta, R. and Jamila Patterson, (2006). Ready to serve soup powder from gastropod, Babylonia spirata meat. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Recent trends in Fisheries Education and Research (RETFER’ 04), FCRI, Tuticorin: 124-131.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K., C. Chellaram and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2006). Insecticidal activity of the whole body extracts of Turbo intercostalis (Archaeogastropoda: Turbinidae) and Cerithidea cingulata (Caenogastropoda: Potamididae). In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Recent trends in Fisheries Education and Research (RETFER’ 04), FCRI, Tuticorin: 132-140.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K. and Jamila Patterson, (2006). Insecticidal properties of Halophila stipulacea. Seaweed Research and Utilization, Vol. 28 (1): 159-163.

  • Jamila Patterson and V. Deepak Samuel, (2005). Participatory approach of fisherwomen in crab fattening for alternate income generation in Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. Asian Fisheries Science, Vol.18 (2): 153-159.

  • Felicia Shanthini and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Processing of horse conch, Pleuroploca trapezium (Fasciolariidae) meat into meat balls. Asian Fisheries Science, Vol.18 (3): 265-273.

  • Ditty Chacko, R. Emilin Renitta and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Development of soup powder from squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana and shelf-life assessment during storage in laminated packaging material. Journal of Food Technology, 3(3): 449-452.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2005). Potential antimicrobial activity of marine molluscs from Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India against 40 biofilm bacteria. Journal of Shellfish Research, 24(1): 243-251.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Jamila Patterson, G. Mathews and Dan Wilhelmsson, (2005). Status of corals of the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) – Status Report 2005: 119-127.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Jamila Patterson, G. Mathews and Dan Wilhelmsson, (2005). Awareness raising and feasibility of reef restoration, through coral transplantation in Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar, India. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) – Status Report 2005: 243-251.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., Jamila Patterson, G. Mathews and Dan Wilhelmsson, (2005). Awareness raising and feasibility of reef restoration, through coral transplantation in Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar, India. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) – Status Report 2005: 243-251.

  • PJamila Patterson, V. Deepak Samuel, J.K. Patterson Edward and Dan Wilhelmsson, (2005). Improving living conditions for reef dependent fisher families in Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)- Status Report 2005: 252-262.

  • Dan Wilhelmsson, J.K. Patterson Edward, Arjan Rajasurya, Jerker Tamelander and Nishanthi Perera, (2005). Assessing the status and improving management of coral reef resources: experiences and achievements in South Asia. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) – Status Report 2005: 66-82.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Biochemical and microbiological quality of frozen fishes available in Tuticorin super markets. Fishery Technology, 42 (1): 83-84.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K., Chellaram, C. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Isolation of antagonistic marine bacteria from the surface of the gorgonian corals at Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 34 (3): 316-319.

  • Ditty Chacko and Jamila Patterson, (2005. Effect of Pharaoh’s Cuttlefish, Sepia pharaonis ink against bacterial pathogens. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 45(3): 223-226.

  • Ramkumar, R., S. Senthil Kumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, 2005. Antibacterial activity of the epidermal layer of coral associated fishes of Tuticorin coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 52(1): 119-124.

  • Deepak Samuel, V., Ditty Chacko and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2005). Preliminary study on the molluscan diversity of ‘the lost world’, Dhanuskodi, East coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 54-58.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., (2005). Reef ecosystem remediation with particular emphasis on Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 74-83.

  • Mathews, G. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2005). Feasibility of enhancing coral biomass by transplanting branching and non-branching corals – a preliminary report. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 84-89.

  • Chellaram, C. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2005). Preliminary study on the growth and survival of stag horn coral Acropora formosa transplanted on two different substrates. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 90-94.

  • Ramkumar, R. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2005). Effect of habitat structural complexity on the assemblages of coral reef fish, Pempheris analis in artificial reef. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 95-98.

  • Ramkumar, R. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2005). Comparative study on the fish assemblages in natural and artificial reefs in Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 99-104.

  • Balamurugan, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Vermiculture and vermicomposting – An ideal supplementary livelihood option for coastal dependents. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 136-141.

  • Deepak Samuel, V., Ram Kumar, R. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). FADs and their effectiveness in cephalopod fisheries. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 148-153.

  • Ashok Kumar, P., Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Use of palm leaves in traditional fishery along Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 154-158.

  • Ditty Chacko, Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Comparative study on the hatching behaviour and growth of cuttle fish Sepiella inermis and Sepia pharaonis. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 159-162.

  • Emilin Renitta, R., Ram Kumar, R. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Harvest of some edible crabs and handling of blue swimming crab Portunus pelagicus in a major crab-landing centre in Tuticorin coast. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 163-167.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2005). A study on chemical antifouling defense in the marine algae Padina tetrastromatica Hauck distributed in Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 168-172.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2005). Potential antibacterial activity of the chemically defended egg mass of the muricid gastropod Chicoreus ramosus against human pathogens. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 173-177.

  • Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal, K., Chellaram, C. and Jamila Patterson, (2005). Antibacterial activity of whole body extracts of Trochus radiatus (Mollusca: Gastropoda). In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 182-186.

  • Murugan, A., (2005). Seahorse, the much exploited species: An overview. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 213-219.

  • Murugan, A., (2005). Sea Turtles in and around Tuticorin coast, Tamil Nadu: Facts and problems. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Reef Ecosystem Remediation. SDMRI Research Publication No.9: 250-252.

  • Murugan, A., (2005). Seaweed: A potential source for alternate livelihood option for coastal fisherfolk. In: Souvenir released during the National Symposium on marine plants, their chemistry and utilization: 48-51.

  • Emilin Renitta, R. and Jamila Patterson, (2004). Development of smoked products from marine gastropods. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 46(1): 73-79.

  • Ramkumar, R. and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2004). Recruitment of epibenthic communities on artificial reefs in Tuticorin coastal waters, Southeast coast of India. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 46(1): 108-112.

  • Chellaram, C., K. Mary Elizabeth Gnanambal and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2004). Antibacterial activity of the winged oyster Pteria chinensis (Pterioida: Pteridae). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 33 (4): 369-372.

  • Felicia Shanthini, C., Ashok Kumar, P., and Jamila Patterson, (2004). Incidence and antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafoods of Tuticorin. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 51 (10): 43-47.

  • Ditty Chacko, V. Deepak Samuel and Jamila Patterson, (2004). Effect of salinity and fly-ash on the embryonic development of the bigfin squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 46(2): 162-168.

  • Jamila Patterson, (2004). Generating additional income from waste. SACEP (South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme) News Letter, No.3: 2.

  • Jamila Patterson, (2004). Smoking-an ideal method to preserve mollusk meat. SPC Trochus Information Bulletin, 11: 8-11.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2003). A comparative Study on the radula of three Coleoid Cephalopods. South Pacific Study, Vol.24 (1): 33-38.

  • Murugan, A. and M. Santhana Ramasamy, (2003). Biofouling deterrent activity of the natural product from ascidian, Distaplia nathensis (Chordata). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 32(2): 162-164.

  • Murugan, A. and M. Santhana Ramasamy, (2003). Incidence of imposex in the muricid gastropod Chicoreus virgineus from Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 45(2): 208-213.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2003). Chemical defense in ascidians Eudistoma viride and Didemnum psammathodes in Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India: Bacterial epibiosis and fouling deterrent activity. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 32(4): 337-339.

  • Jamila Patterson, (2003). Capacity building among fisherwomen – a case study from Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proc. Second Int. Tropical Mar. Ecosystems Sym., held in Manila, Philippines, 24-27 March 2003.

  • Murugan, A., (2003). Status of Sea Turtles in India with emphasis on Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop of the South East Asia Sea Turtle Associative Research (SEASTAR), 63-70.

  • Murugan, A., (2003). Sea turtle conservation in India: existing laws, implementation problems and possible solutions – A case study from Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the Southeast Asia Sea Turtle Associative Research (SEASTAR) 2000: 1-4.

  • Emilin Renitta, R., P. Ashok Kumar and Jamila Patterson, (2003). Effectiveness of immersion treatments with chemicals and herbal decoctions in reducing populations of Vibrio cholerae in Chicoreus ramosus meat. Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 72-76.

  • Felicia Shanthini, C. and Jamila Patterson, (2003). Halotolerant Fungi in Salted and Sundried Fishes of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 97-100.

  • Rajasekaran, A., A. Murugan, P.R. Anand Vijayakumar, P. Thirupathy Kumaresan and M. Santhana Ramasamy, (2003). CNS depressant activity of the extract of the simple ascidian Distaplia nathensis. In.: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 101-104.

  • Senthil Kumar, S., T. Prem Anand and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2003). Dye decolourization ability of two fungi from Tuticorin Coastal waters, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 122-128.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2003). Antifouling property and possible chemical defense strategies in the starfish Pentaceraster affinis from Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. In.: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 129-132.

  • Benny, A., Khalfan AL Rashdi, Ali Rajab AL Mashiki and Mohammed AL Balker, (2003). Laboratory observation on the spawning, larval settlement and early growth of the Omani abalone Haliotis mariae wood, 1828. In.: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 133-136.

  • Antony Amala Jayaseeli and A. Murugan, (2003). Diversity of bivalves in Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar: Resource status and exploitation. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 137-141.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2003). Correlation between bacterial epibiosis and fouling deterrent activity of Distaplia nathensis and Polyclinum constellatum. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 165-167.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2003). Antagonistic activity of gastropod egg mass associated epibacteria on fish pathogens-a possible probiotic application. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 168-172.

  • Chellaram, C., V. Deepak Samuel and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2003). Status of echinoderm fishery in the Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 173-176.

  • Nithyanandam, A., R. Ram Kumar and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2003). Fishery status of two fishing villages of Tuticorin, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the national seminar on Marine Biodiversity as a source of Food and Medicine. SDMRI Research Publication No.3: 177-180.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. (2002). The coral reefs of the Tuticorin coast of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeast India. Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) – Status Report 2002: 114-118.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2002). Intercapsular embryonic development of the bigfin squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Lologonidae). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 31 (2): 150 – 152.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2002). Imposex in muricid gastropod Thais biserialis (Mollusca: neogastropoda: Muricidae) from Tuticorin harbour, Southeast coast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 31 (3): 243 – 245.

  • Prem Anand, T. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2002). Antimicrobial activity in the tissue extracts of five species of cowries Cypraea spp. (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and an ascidian Didemnum psammathodes (Tunicata: Didemnidae). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 31 (3): 239 – 242.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., (2002). Role of education, community participation and policies in coastal zone management: Report from the marine biosphere reserve on the south-eastern coast of India. In: Proceedings of the International conference on Low-lying Coastal Areas – Hydrology and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Germany: 301-306.

  • Antony Amala Jayaseeli and A. Murugan, (2002). Mangrove in Punnakayal, Tuticorin – A study on Socio-economic conditions. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2: 69-72.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., V. Deepak Samuel and T. Prem Anand, (2002). Awareness about coral and mangroves among fisher folk – A survey report from Tuticorin region of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:73-78.

  • Felicia Shanthini, C., Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2002). A case study from Vellapatti fishing village of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India: Reef fisheries and associated socio-economics. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:79-84.

  • Deepak Samuel, V., Jamila Patterson and J.K. Patterson Edward, (2002). Destructive fishing in reef and mangrove areas of Tuticorin coastal waters. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:98-103.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and E.V. Muley, (2002). Reef Restoration – An overview. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No.2:120-124.

  • Prem Anand, T. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2002). Brine shrimp toxicity of opercula of gastropods from Tuticorin coastal waters. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:165-169.

  • Prem Anand, T. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2002). Antimicrobial activity of green ascidian Eudistoma viridae and its bacterial symbionts. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:170-175.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2002). Studies on the effect of heavy metals on the enzymatic activity of bacteria isolated from mangrove sediments in Tuticorin coast. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:181-184.

  • Senthil Kumar, S. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2002). A preliminary study on the occurrence of colipages in Tuticorin and Punnakayal mangrove areas. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Corals and Mangrove – Problems and Management Strategies. SDMRI Research Publication No. 2:194-197.

  • Murugan, A., (2002). Drugs from the sea-status and prospects. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Biotechnology, Challenges and Prospects Laboratory of Applied Biology, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore: 237-245.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2002). Reproductive behaviour and larval development of Sepiella inermis (Pe’russac and O’Orbingy, 1848). In: Proceedings of the 20th National Symposium on Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology: 25-26.

  • Santhana Ramasamy, M. and A. Murugan, (2001). Development of fouling organisms on pearl oyster Pinctada fucata during a period of two months. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. 25 (1): 57-58.

  • Ramesh, R. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2001). Parasitic trematode larvae in the turbinid gastropod Turbo brunneus (Roding, 1798) from Tuticorin, India. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25(1): 79-83.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2001). Chemoreception of spider conch, Lambis lambis (Mollusca:Gastropoda) Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (1): 111-112.

  • Senthil Kumar, S. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2001). Salinity tolerance of the volutid Harpulina lapponica (Neogastropoda). Phuket mar.biol.Cent.Spec.Publ. No. 25 (1): 129-130.

  • Antony Amala Jeyaseeli, T. Prem Anand and A. Murugan, (2001). Antibacterial activity of four bivalves from Gulf of Mannar. Phuket mar.biol.Cent. Spec.Publ., 25(1): 215-217.

  • Jamila Patterson, (2001). Canning of smoked brown mussel Perna indica. Phuket mar.biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25(1): 219-220.

  • Felicia Shanthini, C. and Jamila Patterson, (2001). Smoke curing of Pleuroploca trapezium meat (Gastropoda: Fasciolaridae). Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (1): 221-224.

  • Prem Anand, T. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2001). Screening for antibacterial activity in the opercula of Gastropods. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (1): 225-230.

  • Deepak Samuel, V. and Jamila Patterson, (2001). Gastropods and bivalves exploited at Koswari Island, Gulf of Mannar, India. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (1): 241-242.

  • Prem Anand, T., V. Deepak Samuel and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2001). Gastropod shells attached to the surface of Xenophora pallidula (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) from Gulf of Mannar. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (2): 363-365.

  • Senthil Kumar, S. and J. K. Patterson Edward, (2001). Low diversity of molluscs encountered in three Avicennia marina mangroves, Tuticorin, southeast India. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 25 (2): 367-368.

  • Murugan, A., (2001). Mangroves and the concept of restoration. In: Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve: Reef and its Resources-participatory approach for conservation and sustainable utilization. SDMRI Research Publication No.1: 70-74.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., (2000). Resource management and socio-economic value in Gulf of Mannar coral reef ecosystem, southeast coast of India. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, held in Bali, Indonesia, October 2000, Vol.2: 779-782.

  • Murugan, A. and J. K. Patterson Edward. (2000). Factors threatening biodiversity of Marine Molluscs in Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 21(1): 159 – 162.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K. and A. Murugan. (2000). Screening of cephalopods for bio-activity. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 21(1): 253 – 256.

  • Jamila Patterson, (2000). Utilization of gastropod meat for the preparation of flakes. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ. No. 21(1): 257 – 260.

  • Patterson Edward, J.K., (2000). Socio-cultural issues and sustainable tourism in Rameswaram, Tamilnadu, Southeast coast of India – A case study. In: Proceedings of the WTO / UNEP International Conference on “Sustainable Tourism in the Islands of the Asia-Pacific Region, held in Sanya, Island of Hainan, China during 06-08 December 2000: 184-189.